Boost Your Text

Where’s the pain?

You know how it is. You visit a website and scan the page for something interesting. A juicy piece of info catches your eye so you begin reading. You stop yourself after the first paragraph, however, because the words are dull, dull, dull.

If that’s what you do when you read lifeless text imagine what your customers do if dull text appears on your website.

What’s the fix?

If your site is suffering from tedious text then let the Worditor pump up the prose. There’s no room for the drab, uninspired words you find on other corporate websites so let me boost your copy to make your organisation shine.

What I’ll do

Worditor will carry out the following tasks:

  1. Reading – All your text scrutinised
  2. Consultation – A conversation about what you want
  3. Rewrite – The first draft is presented
  4. Adjustment – Tweaking takes place
  5. Testing – Making sure it’s fit for purpose
  6. Publication – Push it to the eager masses

What you’ll get

When you’re ready to publish, get set for text that bristles with dynamism and movement. I’ll supply clear, direct copy that’s full of meaning and light on padding. Boost your text today!