Training Services

Where’s the pain?

You’ve checked your stats and most of your visitors aren’t spending much time on your site. They’re not clicking the crucial links and worst of all they’re not moving beyond the homepage.

Your site could benefit from a web review but it’s more likely your actual content causing problems. To ensure your web text is in tip-top condition, give your editors a Writing For The Web training course.

What’s the fix?

Get your editors and publishers trained properly so they can start producing peerless web copy to stimulate the reader, drive conversions and keep your visitors coming back for more.

What I’ll do

Writing For The Web – 1 Day Course
The course consists of the following modules:

  1. The difference between online and print copy
  2. Developing a strategy
  3. Understanding your users’ needs
  4. Structuring your information
  5. Adapting print content for online use
  6. Writing with economy, persuasion and impact
  7. The best way to write links
  8. Search-optimising your text
  9. Revising your content
  10. Managing and reviewing to maintain freshness

What you’ll get

You’ll learn web writing skills so you can write effective online copy. Once you’ve completed the course, you will know how to engage your visitors with a powerful array of digital copywriting techniques.

NOTE: All training courses are given in English and on your premises. Made-to-measure courses available upon request.